Repairing the Walls

With all the paneling removed the fun part really begins. See in addition to using nails the folks who installed the paneling also used construction adhesive. This kept the center of the paneling stuck to the wall. Unfortunately when the paneling is removed, msot of the adhesive stays stuck to the wall. Since I didn’t want to replace all of the drywall that meant that the adhesive needed to be sanded off. Before I did that I used a block plane to scrape off some of the adhesive, but I couldn’t get it all, and that meant that I spent many house using my random orbital sander, with a 50 grit pad to take down the rest of the adhesive. My wife was nice enough to help out and do some sections, but it still took forever.

Once the adhesive was all gone, the next part was to patch up the walls. Some spots got sanded down a bit to much, and in a lot of spots the adhesive actually pulled the paper off the Sheetrock. There were also some large holes in two places, that required a new piece of Sheetrock be patched in. All of this meant another few days using lots of joint compound, and sanding some more. Ohh and don’t you just love the green and pink walls?

Paneling Removal

Removing wood paneling seems quite simple at first.  You just take a pry bar and pop it off the walls.  The glue doesn’t hold very well and the nails are small and easily pull through the wood.  Unfortunately since this was the 2nd room I was doing (the first was Jess’s office), I knew that getting the paneling off is the easiest part.   Once its off, you have to scrape and sand the glue off of the wall, and then spackel up all the holes.  Disposal of the paneling is also a pain, since the 4×8 sheets don’t easily fit out the door,  and the garbage men won’t take them.   To do that I stacked the sheets up, took my trusty reciprocating saw, and cut them into pieces small enough to fit in a box that I could put out at the curb.  Wasn’t overly difficult but it made a huge mess and the wood splinters like crazy.

Guest Room

This isn’t really the best picture, but its the only one I had of the guest room before we ripped the carpeting out. When we moved in the guest room was walled with wood paneling and had a very dark grey carpet on the floor. The carpet was pretty beat and underneath there were some nice hardwood floors in decent shape. So right away we decided to rip up the carpet and chuck it. We then moved into the room and used it as our bedroom while we were redoing the master bathroom. Once that was finished and the room was vacated we tried to figure out what to do to the room. The problem is that its a very small room, and the wood paneling is very dark (as well as being quite dated). The room does have two windows but they aren’t very big, and therefore the room always feels like a cave. So clearly the paneling has to go. With the other big projects coming up we can’t afford to replace the windows right now, so they’ll have to stay. Also since we’ll be takign down the paneling we’ll need to replace all of the molding.

As an aside I actually started ripping down the paneling in December, but never got around to posting it.

Workshop Stage 1 Complete!

My goal this go round with the shop was to get it cleaned up, and usable. I’m all finished with that now. I’ve got it all cleaned up, rearranged and all the tools hung up. I got the big tools all arranged and setup. The table saw (in the foreground) came from my grandfather, and while its about 50 years old it still works great. It could use a new blade, but it takes the standard size so thats easy enough to replace. I also did some electrical work, running a 220V line down for the air compressor and the table saw. Since I moved the door I also had to move the light switch, and while I was doing that I also added a whole bunch more outlets (for easy power tool use!) as well as a bunch more lights so that its easy to see what I’m doing. I put a piece of green outdoor carpet stuff that was laying around in front of the bench so that I wouldn’t have to be standing on the cement floor.

At this stage its all usable and it looks good, but there is still a good bit of work to do. I need to run some sort of dust collection system, as well as put up some more shelving. I’ve also got my grandfathers massive old screw collection, its a few hundred old baby food jars full of every sort of screw and nail. Its great to have as it means I won’t ever have to run to Lowes for one more screw. I also would like to get a few more power tools so I can do some real woodworking, perhaps a jointer, planer and a router table. Lastly I’ll need to setup some sort of spray booth. All of this will have to wait until the upcoming family room project is complete though!

Tools on the Peg Board

I went through and put most of my various tools up on the peg board today. Not all of them fit, so I tried to just put the most commonly used ones up. The rest I think I will keep in my tool box for now. I hadn’t realized just how many tools I have. Its amazing how many different ones you need for different tasks. I don’t think I really ahve them arranged very well, I just kinda put them up wherever they would fit. I also need to find a good way to keep all of my drill bits organized.